YEAH!! i saw it!! i saw it! and i saw how his forehead get smash with another player head! CreEpy!!
i just snap what i can snap to let that moments recorded in my fully art pictures.. actually there are so many picture to review, but, i cant wait to tell you guys about this moments.. the player gets the ball and he run and run.. which means can be understand with my own word*... and after he ran.. he being hit by another player from another team. this is what i called defense.. you guys know what? i really do not know how to use all the game's terms. but i do understand when i use my own words.. haha.. anyway.. you see the flows.. how that person who holding the ball and he ran and get hit by others.. meanwhile the his team members defense him. Unfortunately.. the yellow guys is faster than them.
- the player got the ball
- run babe run!!!
- one yellow guy grab him from the back
- his getting down
- already down...!!
- everybody get to him
- his team players protect him and the others chasing for the ball
- the player goes down and his team players defense..
- i can see form here, the player cover his head with his both hand.. he really should do that maybe.. for protection..
- all men goes down. the player still hold the ball
- another team member tried to help..
- all of them scramble for the ball until the referee blew the whistle told them to stop...
fuhhh!! what a creepy game... what a tremendous adrenaline game.... its really freaky me out.. anyway, they really done their best... im lucky cause i can watched it.. :) so, i tell you this story... :)
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