well, once i've try to ride this RXZ.. when i speed along the neighbourhood... most of 'mamat yang merempet' that night felt that as a challenge... hohoho.. now i am 'ketagih' with this speedy.
ok.. now we talk about this WAVE motor.. this is my sister's motorcycle.. i took this picture accidently.. sometime i ride this while my snow-white in hospital..
then, this KRISs is the
saviour of the world.. while snow-white is in hospital.. most of the time.. i ride this motorcycle..
well... this is
my bebe.. my partner during my night.. cant sleep without bebe...
one night
my sis borrowed bebe.. i taught that she really want to use it.. but..... actually she put her leg on it.. huhuhu...
and this is the
most favourite item on my bed.. i got this when my love's mom go to the cameron highlands and he told his mum to buy it.. hehe.. so cute.. everyday i will make sure this strawberry pillow will be on my bed..
this is my gadget.. one for maxis.. another one for celcom.. mostly i use this two to contact my loves, my siblings, and my friends..
as i wrote this page.. my sis interrupted me with watching korean series 'PLAYFUL KISS'. and i dont know how she can be obsessed with it... but it looks interesting... hmmmm....
actually i showed this not because of want to show my things.. but i want to t
he arts of my side.. i dont know whether it is beautiful for you or not.. but i
m trying and learning... because i want to
earn money to be billionaire.. hahaha

i found this picture from my sis's gallery photo at facebook.. so i decide to make it looks like new.. the i dont know how to make it clear.. hmm... i guess i should learn more about editing.. this is the memory of my late mom.. i miss her so much..i dedicated this to my big bro, and my sisters.. so.. this is my picture story of today...