anyway, im taking those pictures to show women in my family.. actually it is not fulling the quote yet because there is a lot of women in my family.. i show you guys more when there is a time to capture all those memories.. :) talking about this picture.. women in black.. they are my siblings. true sibling.. born from one mother.. and guess what.. i have another woman in my life who did not here.. i wish she was here.. because she is my big sister eventhough she is the smaller.. :p. miss you already.
lets talking about the picture again. this is the experimental over the picture. i did the filter using charcoal and sketch and changing levels of the colour. i dont think this is a good trial.. because those face seem weird to me. cause i rather taken raw pictures than edited pictures.. next time i show you the real of women in black.. aha...
this is picture of my second sister from one mother.. she holding her younger son.. who quite similar face with her.. but, they always have the contrast attitude.. aha.. where would the soup spill if not to the rice? aha..:P lets talk about this picture. i use the filter of watercolour and using some noise.. then obviously i change the levels of the colour.. i used the basic that EMMA ALAN thought me because i already forgotten about editing knowledge. so this is what i get. and i really not satisfied and i will try to do better next time..
i really love this picture.. its naturally.. then i used watercolour filter and smart sharpen on their face.. but im not quite satisfied with the colour.. seems so dark.. but according to the art, i guess this is acceptable. aha.. anyway, let me introduce.. this is my sister in law and my cutest nephew.. :)
any comment to build my strengths in editing.. please feel free to leave a comment.. tq.. :)